Neat Image Noise Reduction Software for Cleaning Digital Photos

Are you getting serious about your photography? Maybe even taking on clients? If so, you need as much "ammo" in your camp as you can. You have the camera, the lenses and even some decent editing software. Now you need the finer things in life, such as fine, grain/noise free images! Look into Neat Image...
Neat Image noise reduction software is hailed as one of the most effective Photoshop add-ons for photographers. It also comes as a stand alone product (imaging software not needed) for reducing or removing "noise" or grain from your digital images.
Where does noise come from?
If you are using a camera with a small sensor, that may cause noise. The sensor is too small and not able to capture light in the same way a larger sensor would. This means it adds grain to make up the difference (in layman's terms).
If you shoot at night using high ISO's, the same thing will happen if you are using an older camera. Newer digital cameras with better sensors, deal with digital noise more efficiently.
How to remove noise or grain
Modern DSLR's and other cameras have built in noise reduction features. These can work well but I would suggest turning them off. You are better off with dedicated software such as Neat Image Noise Reduction Software or Adobe Photoshop.
If you are or intend to shoot stock photography already, I would say this is a must for your toolbox. Agencies really don't like noisy or grainy images so ease the stress and get this software.
It takes no time at all to run an image through Neat Image and out pops a lovely grain free photo!
Check out our review and link to a free trial download: Neat Image Noise Reduction Software