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About Nick Stubbs and All Things Photography

Photography, video, music, gadgets, motorbikes, skiing, mountains, health and golf...I love them all.

Timeline of Digital and Analog Cameras

"If I could combine all of the above things into one, long holiday, I would be in absolute heaven". Nick Stubbs.

Middle Aged Man Sitting on Sports Motorbike

Photo Credit: Todor Ostojic

Camera Junkie

You can see the range and a small sample of cameras that I have owned over the years in the image above. I've had an obsession with cameras since 1980 as a 13 year old boy studying photography at school. I was so obsessed, I built my own darkroom in our loft aged 14 and used infra red heat lamps for lighting.

Yes, it got hot in there!

I am also a bit of a tech junkie so whenever new innovations appear in the digital world, I jump right in. This is why I started All Things Photography. This way I could study all the latest gear, write about it and hopefully help others on their journey.

All Things Photography

I started ATP way back in February 2005 just a few years after the first Digital SLR was released by Nikon. The Nikon D1. It blew me away and seeing that camera re-ignited my passion for photography after a 4 year hiatus from film photography.

When I started this website, I simply wrote down everything I knew about photography to that point. I wrote for 15 hours a day (on average) for one year. 

Before I knew it I was getting traction online, some great comments and I was also learning as I went. This allowed me to learn about SEO and eventually got my wedding photography page in Spain to no.1 in the rankings. The work poured in.

Today (2021), I am still writing for the site but not as much as I would like. I still have a media company to run. However, I plan to add a lot more soon including more training, tutorials and reviews.

About Nick Stubbs

As well as being a tech junkie, I also love:

  • Extreme sports (ex-skydiver, scuba diver, moto x, superbikes, skiing...)
  • Normal sports (lowest golf handicap was 6 in Spain)
  • Music (learning guitar and piano)
  • Health and Fitness

Whilst studying business studies and finance at college, I worked weekends in a camera store and for a local, well-known photographer. I would either "talk shop" and sell camera gear to the locals or help my mentor out in his studio, darkroom or the occasional wedding.

Young Teenage Boy Playing with First SLR

Aged 13

Teenager Standing Outside Camera Shop

Aged 16


I don't enter them any more but I did when I lived in Spain. I found it helped "while away" those long, hot, balmy Mediterranean days ; )

In 2005 I was awarded the "Overseas Commercial Photographer of the Year" by the SWPP. that same year, I won a fair few other awards but stopped entering when I realised that any art form is subjective. One person's Constable is another person's Picasso.

SWPP and BPPA Photography Awards

The Future of All Things Photography

Moving forward and as I said above, I intend to ramp up my involvement with ATP with more reviews, training and articles. With that in mind, please consider joining our newsletter to be notified of updates.

Also, if you are a photographer, film-maker or gadget freak and would like to be involved, please get in touch. I would welcome reviews of your favourite product(s), articles of your exploits or any news you deem worthy of the site.

Nick Stubbs and Photography Students in London

Me and members of ATP Members 2.0 in London circa 2011

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