March 23, 2017

Energizer Ultimate (AA) Lithium Battery Test

So are Lithium batteries worth the extra cost of standard AA batteries?

Energizer Lithium Battery

I love power. My wife calls me "the cable guy" because I have an abundance of cables and wires in my office. They are also spread conveniently around our house. I also love battery power such as that from the Energizer lithium battery as it gives me the ability to work on location with some funky gear. Equipment such as:

Energizer Lithium Battery
  • Pocket Wizards
  • LED Lighting
  • Speedlights
  • Audio Equipment

The trouble is, making sure you have enough power. I always go over the top when shooting a wedding for example. On top of my usual 40 or so rechargeable batteries, I also take along a packet of 20 Duracell LR6's (AA).

So when I came across the Energizer Ultimate Lithium AA batteries, and one reviewer raving about them, I was keen to see what all the fuss was about.

If I could get more power for less money giving me the convenience of changing batteries less throughout the day, I would be as happy as a pig in…

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accessories, product reviews, Technology

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