Wedding Photography Books

Handy Reference Books to Have Around

Wedding Photography Books

You would be wise to take a stock of a few wedding photography books because let me tell you, wedding photography is huge. So is the responsibility. If you are just starting out and have not taken photos exclusively at a wedding before, there are a few things you will need to learn.

Times change, styles change. Reportage wedding photography, for example, has really only been trendy for a few years. Imagine the scramble for knowledge when it became "trendy"! It is always good to keep your eyes and ears open for new and innovative ideas.

Books are good for that inspiration

It doesn’t matter how good a photographer you are. If you haven’t photographed a wedding before, they are completely different to anything you have done in the past. For a start, they won’t (or rarely won’t) wait for you. You must be ready and on the ball at all times. A selection of good, well versed wedding photography books will help you in the right direction and give you some great tips and guidance.

Then there is the marketing:

  • You want people to know what you do and how you do it, right?
  • You want them to know you even exist and that you take a mean photograph?
  • Then you want to sell your hard work in the form of prints and re-prints, or as DVD’s and online albums or slideshows?

Get yourself a range of wedding photography books and keep them for reference. Read up before each and every wedding you take, or before every wedding seminar you attend. You will find that if nothing, they will motivate you and put you in the right "frame of mind" for the job ahead.

The selection I have covered, come from reputable online sources. They are recommended for their content and the Authors experience in this field. They are also considerably cheaper online and you can read reviews from other photographers too.

Wedding Photography Books

Have a browse and see if we/they can’t teach you something (all books above reviewed below).

Wedding Photography Books - A Selection

The Art of Wedding Photography by Bambi Cantrell

The most lucrative and hottest trend in modern wedding photography is beautifully explained and illustrated in this leading guide. It also teaches professional and amateur photographers alike, how to create the hip and trendy but elegant wedding albums that are much sought after by today’s brides.

Images taken by a highly successful specialist in Wedding Photography adorn these pages. They look like they come straight from a glossy magazine! The book explains just about all aspects of wedding photography including how to get your clients and shoot the event. Plus how to make sales and get referrals.

The average rating at Amazon is 5*/5. Click the above link to read all the reviews and order from Amazon.

Professional Techniques for Digital Wedding Photography

The Author, Jeff Hawkins, has been a professional photographer for over 20 years. With Kathleen Hawkins they are also the Authors of Professional Marketing and Selling Techniques for Wedding Photographers. Also recommended below.

Kathleen is also the president of Wedding Professionals of Central Florida.

This book addresses the many reservations that wedding photographers have about digital photography, especially at weddings. This guide explains the valuable benefits that digital brings including a quick turnaround of prints and saved labour costs.

Topics that are covered include;

  • Selecting Equipment and Usage
  • Scheduling Digital Pre-Wedding
  • The Wedding Day
  • Post Wedding Sessions
  • Managing the Workload
  • Using Digital Proofs

You can also learn how to market your images, deal with clients questions and pricing. Also learn about using digital imaging software to its fullest extent to enhance your wedding photographs.

The average rating at Amazon is 3.5*/5. Click the above link to read all the reviews and order from Amazon.

Professional Marketing and Selling Techniques for Wedding Photographers

On top of taking great photographs at a wedding, the professional wedding photographer has to master a working strategy to sell themselves and their images. Photographers and entrepreneurs of all abilities and levels will learn how to start, restructure or refine their photography business. They will learn to achieve financial stability and freedom with these professional sales techniques.

Valuable skills such as pricing, dealing with customer complaints or queries, and advertising are all covered in this book. As well as all the latest strategies and opportunities made possible by digital photography and e-commerce.

The average rating at Amazon is 4*/5. Click the above link to read all the reviews and order from Amazon.

Wedding Photography with Adobe Photoshop

The author, Rick Ferro, has famously served as the senior wedding photographer for Walt Disney World. He has also taken the photographs for Weddings of a Lifetime and The Regis and Kathy Lee Show. One of his achievements at this time was receiving the Kodak Gold Award for his photography. His wife Deborah Ferro is a specialist in portrait photography as well as digital artistry. They live and work in Florida (Jacksonville).

Professional Wedding Photographers, digital or film, experienced or beginner will find this book useful. It explains the multitude of uses of Adobe Photoshop for correcting and enhancing your clients wedding photographs. By doing this, you are bound to increase customer satisfaction, sales and referrals.

Learn how to effectively use the colour correction tools, remove any blemishes and/or wrinkles, and alter the backgrounds to remove unwanted distractions or simply add special effects. Try sepia effects or tint the eyes and lips. Try your hand at hand colouring effects with black and white or create your own watercolor images.

Also includes some great tips on using effective mailers and business cards and how to upload and enhance web images to attract new clients.

The average rating at Amazon is 3*/5 (1 review). Click the above link to read all the reviews and order from Amazon.

The Best of Digital Wedding Photography

The author, Bill Hurter, lives and works in West Covina in California. He is also the author of The Best of Portrait Photography, The Best of Teen and Senior Photography, The Best of Children’s Portrait Photography, The Best of Wedding Photography, The Best of Wedding Photojournalism, and Group Portrait Photography Handbook. He is also the editor of "Rangefinder".

This book describes to the wedding photographer, how best to manipulate the advantages of Digital Photography and technologies for wedding photography. All the essentials of digital are explained and examined. Everything from the initial capture to the putting together of the albums, the biggest source of revenue!

There are over 200 examples of his professional digital wedding photographs. These include a detailed look at common problems associated with digital, and solutions for fixing them in Photoshop.

The average rating at Amazon is 5*/5 (1 review). Click the above link to read all the reviews and order from Amazon.

100's of other Wedding Photography Books at Amazon at Low prices.

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