Using Nikon Film SLR lenses on Nikon DSLR
Adapters For Film Lenses to DSLR’s

Using Nikon Film SLR lenses on Nikon DSLR - Can you do it?
I am an advanced amateur SLR photographer currently using a Nikon N70 film camera. I have 3 lenses for this camera and I am entertaining the idea of moving to SLR digital. One question I’ve not yet found is whether I can use my current Nikon lenses on a new Nikon SLR digital camera.
The answer is (happily) yes. Your lenses will work fine with the Nikon DSLR’s but I recommend you check with Nikon USA for compatibility issues.
Also, remember the "crop factor" when using them. For example, because the sensor in the Nikon D70 for example, is smaller than 35mm, you will have a crop factor of 1.5x. This means that a 50mm will become 50mm x 1.5 = 75mm. You are not actually getting more focal length from your lens. The light hitting the sensor takes up a smaller portion. You can see this visually at the bottom of this page…
As far as I know, Nikon don’t make a DSLR with the same sensor as the 35mm film SLR’s. Canon however, made the EOS 1DS MKII and MKIII with full frame sensor but these came in at $8,000 when released!
Update 2007: The Nikon D3 now has full frame…the first from Nikon.
The way manufacturers get around this is by making a new breed of ultra wide DSLR lenses. Glass like the Nikon 12-24mm so you may have to invest a little. Good luck with the transition. You may find it a little strange at first, but once you master it, you will not look back.
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