September 24, 2011

Show Us How You Did It

How to create images that keep people guessing!

Show Us How You Did It - Flash Photography

Often in the past I have seen photos in competitions, on Facebook or just by browsing the web and I have thought "How did they take that photo"? And ask "show us how you did it"!

I like to try and "deconstruct" the image or work backwards and try to establish how it was done. Was it done:

  • In camera?
  • Using filters?
  • Using specialist lenses?
  • Techniques?
  • Digital imaging?

Sometimes I can "reverse engineer" the image and there are times when I just can’t fathom it out. In one way it is very frustrating but in other respects, maybe it is better not to know. To leave me and others guessing or trying to figure it out.

The image above was actually taken during a bright, sunny day outdoors. By using a combination of fast shutter speed, varying apertures and off camera flash, you can turn day into night.

It also looks like a studio shot which is great if you don't have a studio to hand but want that look.

We Want You!

Do you have an amazing image or video clip that you would like to showcase on All Things Photography? I would love to do a full write up on the techniques and equipment used so please get in touch. Including the image or video and of course, I would give full credit to you and links to your website.

To get you started, below is a shot of my son in a shopping trolley. This image won me the award of “Commercial photographer of the year 2005” with the SWPP. It has also sold a few times as stock photography AND appeared in the Times newspaper in the UK. Well worth the effort.

Show us how you did it - Paths Tool

Show us how you did it I hear you say! Ok, go here:

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flash photography, off camera flash, wireless flash

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