September 6, 2018

Panasonic Full Frame Mirrorless Camera

Are Panasonic About to Announce Something Rather Special?

If current rumours are anything to go by, Panasonic are about to announce a new camera at Photokina 2018 in Germany.

It is likely to be a full frame mirrorless camera to rival the new Canon EOS R and Nikon Z series cameras. All I know is that the camera world is hotting up again and that can only be good for us consumers!

If this is right, and as some rumours suggest, Panasonic may utilise their relationship with Leica and use their SL Mount. Below is what the next generation Panasonic mirrorless camera could look like with that mount (hover over image below to see difference between full frame and M43 mounts).

Artists (me) Impression

If on a Smartphone, tap inside and out of the image to see the change.

I don't know about you but that could be sweet! If I know Panasonic at all, I think this could be a seriously cool camera. Will it be enough of a rumour to stop people buying the Canon or Nikon equivalent?

The GH5 is such a superb all-round camera with so many features. This new Panasonic mirrorless camera could knock Nikon, Canon and Sony out of the park with regards to the full frame mirrorless camera space.

We will have to wait until around the 25th September, for that is when they have a press conference planned.

Panasonic Full Frame Mirrorless Camera SL Mount

For now I can just speculate dream that this release could see:

  • Full frame mirrorless camera in a GH-sized body
  • A bump in resolution for stills (30+mp?)
  • Superior 4K video using the whole sensor with 10-bit internal (like the GH5) 120fps???
  • Much faster 1080p frame rates and super slow motion features
  • No crop in 4K like the Canon EOS R
  • Higher resolution with excellent low light quality
  • Dual card slots (just to keep everyone happy)
  • Improved autofocus
  • IBIS (in body image stabilisation)
  • Some special body features like the Canon EOS R
  • Retain the ability to use Canon/Nikon glass via an adapter
  • Focus peaking, zebras, headphone/mic sockets...

Update 11th September 2018

According to various sites, the specs are getting juicier for Panasonic's full frame mirrorless camera. Apparently, we can almost guarantee: 

  • Full frame sensor
  • Sensor designed by Panasonic
  • Way more than 30 megapixels expected
  • Excellent video quality
  • Announced Sept 25th
  • On sale by March 2019

If this is correct, and we get all that, I am doubly excited to see what is revealed later this month!

I have the Panasonic GH5 and love it for video and non-professional stills because it is only a M43 sensor. Compared to the Micro Four Thirds sensor, the full frame expected in this camera is huge in comparison. Like comparing 1080p with 4K...

Full Frame Sensor vs Micro Four Thirds Sensor

FullFrame Sensor vs Micro Four Thirds

If the new camera has stills image quality to match the video quality, I will be a happy man. If the sensor is indeed a full frame (35mm equivalent), it could be close. I'm still looking for that perfect "all round" camera but I know we may still be a few years away from that.

Roll on Photokina...I may even go there myself this year!

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camera, mirrorless, Panasonic

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