Stock Photography Course
Learn How To Shoot, Upload And Sell Stock Photos Online
Stock Photography Course with All Things Photography
Well, ATP are running a 2 day stock photography course on how to produce, shoot, upload and sell your own stock photography. It is recommended that you are fairly competent with a DSLR. However, quick learners can certainly fast-track this business!
If you have a DSLR camera, you may well be leaving money on the table. Some of those images cluttering up your hard drive, as well as the pics you take every day, may be perfect for the thousands of stock buyers out there.
You will learn:
You may see this as simply a way of making some extra money or a possible full time career. Either way, the opportunity is there and our stock photography course will help you to grab it.
Testimonial 1
Lyle Mallen
"Hi Nick, Just thought I would make contact and say how much I enjoyed the stock photography course. Being a semi-pro photographer and travel writer, I know about Lightroom and Photoshop but very little about stock photography. This weekend course opened my eyes quickly to the fact that I would have made a series of mistakes immediately upon uploading my first photographs. This would have given me rejections straight away and could have put me off this type of photography. I am now organising the 2/3000 images I have, to start uploading the images prepared properly.
Also I am thinking about the way I take photographs in a different manner. My aim is to be up and running within a month of your course and starting to see the cheques coming in. If any photographer thinking of coming on your next stock photography course needs a little reassurance as to what to expect please give them my email address so they can hear about your courses from a recent student. Once again thanks for a great weekend."
I often wondered how it was done and just over 5 years ago I uploaded hundreds of images to various online stock photography agencies. Those same images have earned me a regular, monthly, 4 figure income ever since. I have barely added to them for years and still the money comes in (although I do have around 3,000 new images to upload at some point)!
What could you do with an extra income of £100, £500 or £1000 and above every month?
Edit 2021: Although they have slowed over the years, I still get regular income from my stock images and the total sales have well exceeded $100k.
Testimonial 2
Andrew Gardner
"If you want to do more than just learn the theory of stock photography, this stock photography course is ideal for you. On the first day Nick showed us how to set-up and light still life scenes, and how to shoot them for stock use. He took the best image and worked on it in Photoshop, then he explained how to title, keyword and describe images to maximize their chances of success. He uploaded the best shot to an agency and two days later it got accepted!
On the second day we did a walkabout shoot and Nick taught us how to look at a scene and decide what make a good stock photo. Afterwards Nick went through all the photos we took and gave a very useful and constructive critique, explaining why certain shots would and wouldn’t be approved by an agency.
This course has taught me how to look for opportunities everywhere and given me masses of inspiration and enthusiasm. Nick has been an amazing teacher and a great inspiration for what can be achieved with creative thinking and hard work. Thanks!"
Judging by my own research and personal use of stock sites over the years (I am a buyer as well as a seller), I fully expect this industry to continue to grow and grow. Once your images are on with the agencies, that is it, they do everything for you. Everything from marketing your photos to sending you a cheque each month! You can grow your portfolio as slowly or as quickly as you wish. A perfect part time business doing something you love.
Gone are the days where you need to be a professional photographer with
The Course
Learn how to do it in 2 days! We include practical sessions both in a studio environment as well as out and about in "town and country". Then show you how to process your images to an acceptable standard in Lightroom and Photoshop.
For me, this is one of the most exciting and enjoyable areas of commercial photography. It is open to everyone so enroll on our 2 day stock photography course now (only 8 places available)!
Where: Weymouth, Dorset. UK
Next Courses: We are currently not holding any full courses but if you would like to book a one or two day, 1 to 1, fully bespoke and intensive course, please get in touch. Otherwise, you can find this entire course (and a LOT more) over at our Online Photography Course membership site!
How much: £145 without accommodation, £175 with 1 night b & b, £205 with 2 nights b & b
If you are interested in attending our stock photography course, please get in touch and ask any questions prior to booking. Please note that we will need a £50 deposit to secure your place.
Testimonial 3
Matt Gibson
"Many thanks for holding the stock photography course. Very enjoyable and took a lot away from it. One of the main benefits was that you allayed my fears and concerns regarding image quality as well as the technical requirements on submissions.
I would highly recommend your course, not just from a learning point of view, but also as an experience. Lovely setting and environment, and a very enjoyable group of people."
Come and learn how to shoot good stock images and learn which of these images sell well, which don’t and why…ATP Members
Testimonial 4
Maurice R Stanford
"Nick, Firstly I would like to thank you again for a well structured stock photography course. Like a lot of photographers, I just walk around with my camera trying to get that picture.
With your guidance over the weekend I now feel that I have the knowledge and understanding as to how to take that picture, which instead of ending up in the sleepy hollows of my hard drive, can be used as stock photography and may bring in some income for me.
You said that we would be buzzing on our way home and Paul and I were most certainly doing that. Even when we stopped for dinner we had the notebook out and were planning our first venture into the stock photography world using the up and coming work we have scheduled.
You put the stock photography course across in simple "layman's" terms making it very easy to understand and once again were helpful in any way you could be even giving us the points on the photograph development requirements.
It was, again, a pleasure to be on one of your courses and I would certainly recommend it to anyone looking to receive an income from photos which otherwise would have just been sitting there lost."