Newsletter March 2011
News, Reviews and Articles From All Things Photography
Welcome to the March 2011 Newsletter at All Things Photography. In this edition:
- 1Canon EOS 7D
- 2Wedding Photographers
- 3Stock Photography Report
- 4ATP Members: Price Reduced for March Only
- 5HD Video Camera for Sale
- 6Shout out to Advanced Camera Services
I hope this newsletter finds you all well with some decent weather to get out and about shooting stuff! I have been particularly busy testing the Canon EOS 7D which I bought recently and had some initial shocks that had me heading for the returns page at Amazon. However, you may want to read my review below before doing the same or letting me put you off from buying this camera!
The wedding season is coming up and I am looking forward to shooting the bookings I have this year. I have been putting more emphasis in my marketing efforts towards local weddings and I think this will be a welcome change. I am so used to travelling now, it will hopefully be more relaxed and enjoyable. Plus I get to spend more of the summer with the family.
I got a few of this year's weddings through the PWPN. A company that I affiliated myself with after receiving excellent results, enquiries and bookings last year. So, onwards:
Canon EOS 7D
Is this everything I thought it would be after reading all the reviews? In some ways yes, in other ways no and in some ways it is way better than I thought it would be. I went on a bit of a roller-coaster ride for the first few days but once I had "settled in" to the camera, all was well. I must admit that going back to a cropped sensor after spending years with full frame DSLR's was a shock but it was something I had planned for.
As well as all the features and improvements it has, I was also interested in the video capabilities including 720p at 60fps. This allows you to create lovely, smooth slow motion video. Slo mo that would match my Sony PMW EX1 for various projects and I wasn't disappointed.
Wedding Photographers
The season is upon us (nearly) and I hope all you wedding photographers out there are busily preparing for it? If you are just looking at getting into wedding photography, I think the opportunities just get better and better. If you have the will and determination that is.
Technologies are improving making it not only easier but more enjoyable to shoot a wedding. For example, the built-in wireless flash capabilities of the Canon EOS 7D are a cinch to use and work very well. To set up two speedlights on stands with brollies takes no time at all. They take up minimal space and the cost is way lower than using portable flash heads and/or Pocket Wizards.
With regards to your marketing, you may or may not be aware that Google recently rolled out a major "slap". Otherwise known as an algorithm change to be more accurate. This was on February 24th and was one that many are complaining has lost them a lot of traffic to their website. Were your photography sites or marketing efforts hit hard?
The idea was to start to weed out all the spammy content sites and "black hat" web marketers. Those that have started appearing in recent years with the sole purpose of trying to make a fast buck. This was a great change for the more legitimate sites (like ATP) as it can only improve the way the web works for its users.
Web traffic gone?
If you have been affected or want to increase your traffic and bookings, two products worth looking at are the PWPN and Lift. Note: The PWPN is a networking system for professional wedding photographers. The Lift Local Search Marketing guide is another we recommend (now obsolete).
I use both of these but be aware that the criteria is fairly strict for acceptance to the PWPN. Make sure you read their terms/conditions and spruce up your website before applying. Fear not though, they are also there to help and guide you through that process if you ask nicely. I can help too if needed so just ask.
Note: We have also added the free, three-part mini course to the Wedding Photography Blueprint Page at Facebook.
Stock Photography
I just wanted to throw in my current thoughts of the stock industry in this issue. Just in case you are looking to get into shooting stock photography.
As you may or may not know, I only really upload stock images these days if I am:
Here is a ridiculous shot I took for fun one day whilst "goofing" around and uploaded to all the agencies. It sold a few times in the first week at Shutterstock and continues to sell. Go figure!).
I have thousands of images waiting to upload but never seem to find the time. However, I do frequent the forums and industry news from time to time. One thing I do without fail quite often is check my sales stats and try to work out current trends. Lately I have seen a good mix of my newer images selling alongside the older ones..
Last month, I think my earnings from microstock were the highest they have been which is fantastic. Part of this rise is due to the ever increasing popularity of the images online. For example, Dreamstime pay out larger commissions on images that get more downloads as time goes on so the payout for each sale grows with time.
Selling stock takes time
Note: Don't expect to make a fortune overnight by getting into stock. It takes time to build a good library of images but the effort is definitely worth it. In the beginning I was only getting sales of .50c a sale but now, single sales are getting anywhere between $5 and $15! The same applies to all other stock sites and the gap between traditional stock and microstock is forever narrowing.
I am also seeing some of our members get stuck in with stock and getting good results already which is very encouraging to see. Stock is a great way to steadily build up a residual income each month. And yes, the opportunity is still there to make money with stock photography.
If you want to learn more about shooting stock, you can read our eBook "How to Sell Stock Photos". Alternatively, you can join ATP Members where we have 3.5 hours of video training on stock photography as well as the eBook.
Note: Please see the ATP Members promotion below too.
ATP Members: Special Offer
I am constantly fed up with the amount of financial pressure that is put on the general public these days. Whatever happens with the economy, we always seem to be the ones that “bail out” the perpetrators or foot the bill each time!
Food is going up in price, VAT has increased, utility bills are going up (gas and electricity) and petrol is becoming ridiculously expensive in the UK. Some "experts" say we are heading for £2 a litre (currently at around £1.40)!!!
For anyone thinking of joining ATP Members (to learn how to shoot stock, weddings and/or start your own business and earn money with your camera), I am reducing the joining fee from today to just $45 (normally $65) for the rest of March 2011 so please tell your friends.
Come and join our super-friendly community of photographers and see for yourself how you can not only improve your photography, but earn from it too! Offer ends 31st March 2011 (now ended).
ATP Members - Online Photography Training
Advanced Camera Services
No agenda. I just wanted to give a big shout out to Advanced Camera Services in the UK who did a great job in repairing my faithful old Canon EOS 5D recently. Quick and efficient service, friendly staff and quality of work is second to none.
Other Bits
Canon EOS 1D Mark III User ReviewAn All Round Excellent Professional DSLR Camera - But it is Big!Canon EOS 1D Mark III
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