Newsletter January 2009

A recession special: How are you coping?

Newsletter January 2009 Fish Tank

In the Newsletter January 2009:

  1. 1
    DSLR Course
  2. 2
    Winter Photography
  3. 3
    The Year Ahead
  4. 4
    Nature/Photography course date in the New Forest
  5. 5
    Stock Photography - An Update

We're doooomed Mr Mannering!

Well, we are well into 2009 now and we are all doomed...or are we…really? It's a crazy modern world that we live in. Just about everyone I speak to agrees that this recession we are in is quite real now. However, it's "oh, so ridiculous and unnecessary". I only hope it isn't hitting any of you too badly. We would love to hear your thoughts on this (please comment at bottom of page).

It is crazy because I think that many of the problems are "media led". I.e. all the major news channels shout "recession", everyone panics and stops spending. Companies and banks go bust, traders start shorting stocks and it all goes down the plug hole. Spiral fashion!

Keep calm and carry on

I for one am putting my blinkers on and steaming ahead regardless. It is happening and there is nothing I can do about it. I can either sit, weep and pray for a quick end to this economic downturn or I can:

  • Learn more (educate myself to make me a better and more valuable "commodity")
  • Work harder and work smarter

I have chosen both and am buying, reading and studying more books than ever!

So…rant over for now. We have just a few places left on our 1 day beginner DSLR course this weekend in Weymouth, Dorset. This is a very laid back, informative course on understanding and getting the most from your DSLR. Did you receive one for Christmas and are still trying to fathom out how to get the thing "working"? I can guarantee that by the end of the day you will feel enlightened and happy with your new toy!

Winter Photography 2

Yes, it is cold but show your commitment and get out there and enjoy the beautiful winter weather ; )

The Year Ahead

How are you feeling about 2009 so far?

  • Depressed with all the bad news on TV and in the papers?
  • Fed up with it?
  • Unsure?
  • Motivated and positive?
  • None of the above?

These are simply my personal thoughts on ATP's blog: Planning, learning, living and staying focussed - A personal post

Nature and Photography Course in the New Forest

ATP and Project Fred have now teamed up and set a date for our first Nature Photography Course in the beautiful New Forest in the south of England. The course will be held over the weekend of Saturday 16th May and Sunday 17th May 2009.

Older Facebook Replies

Crisis, What Crisis??? by Michael (Clonmel, Ireland)

I'm with you Nick. I started an elevated photography business just before the recession. It has failed to take off. So what, let's try something else instead. I'm now setting up another venture, I already have most of the photo equipment already. And with tips I've picked up on the forum, I will be launching very soon. Ain't got time to sit and mope, too much to do.

From one interest to another but always coming back - Nick, I've been w/photography for 2 years now and enjoying it very much, in fact just the other day I did some experimenting w/close-up shots. Was in my pantry taking a close-up of a product which was attached to my hot water heater.

I went to my garage to get a lamp to allow for more light on the subject and to my amazement something happened. Tried doing it in Portrait mode w/flash but w/o the light that didn’t work, too dark. Next, I tried Program mode, wow! Beautiful, good enough for website posting which is where this photo is to be posted. Can you tell me what I did & happened.

Gettin' into Dodge! by Harry (Kinsley KS USA)

I have graduated and survived my first year as a SPED teacher. We landed in Dodge city KS. Nice place, but hard to find a home. I continue to take pics mostly for my own enjoyment. My wife’s sister’s husband is looking to begin his photography business. He is really good. Take care all, God Bless Harry

Red Star by Carl (Singapore)

I personally think the recession is great. Now it's a level playing field for everyone, all those low life robbers in the financial sector have to work for a living just like the rest of us!

The stock market SUCKS !!! by ps mitton (Oregon)

I used to have a nice stock portfolio although after last season I have pocket change. But if I was to listen to my broker I would have no change. After the fact he tells me that he had moved his personal accounts because he feared a recession was imminent…

Event Photography on the Down Side by Marcos Casiano (El Paso, Texas)

Hi Nick, and greetings to all and thanks for your great website and all the wonderful info you provide. So, to start with I’ve been doing Event Photography, working by myself. Towards the end of 2008 some of my jobs were cancelled mainly due to a drop in attendance and people were a little nervous about hiring me. Interestingly enough, when I would enquire about new accounts with different organizations I was told that they’re now just using people within the organization to provide the images of their event.

And with so many people with digital cameras at these events there basically happy with all the free images they're getting. It encourages more people to bring their cameras to these event knowing that their photos will be posted on the company's web gallery afterwards. Which in turn filter down to me with no work. However, I'm not discourage in away. My background was in music and as a professional musician I have endured many down times and slow periods.

During these down times I would take the time to practice more and learn new things to improve my skills. I apply this to photography also. I'm trying to, or you could say, practicing shooting more stock to see what sells. Working more with strobes and practicing doing more portraits. Just basically trying to learn more in the areas I feel I’m weak in.

Sweet Home Alabama USA by Casey (Marbury, Alabama, USA)

We are being more conservative with our spending. With two growing boys (ages 10 and 11) we are trying to stick to recipes that are easy on the budget. I agree the media is part of the problem. You hardly ever hear a heart-warming story except on the no news days.

Harry Sappington by Harry Sappington (Jefferson City Missouri USA)

I am graduating this May and have hopes for a teaching position in Missouri USA. My DSLR is a Pentax 6M pixels and while it is a little older it shoots great pics. I have worked my way through college with it.

If you had photo story 3 I could send a really neat photo-documentary I did about Lincoln University. The recession here is worrisome but as you said in your letter I can do little about it. I continue to make myself more "marketable" and that is all I can do. My Christmas gift was more memory storage. I now have my first 1TB hard drive.

The problem is it is showing signs of filling quickly. The pictures I take really eat up the room! I hate to delete any but might be forced to soon. Any ideas there? Other than buy more storage. I seem to be gravitating toward photographing buildings rather than people: too much paperwork. Permission slips and rights releases what a mess. Thanks for your newsletter. Harry Sappington. P.s. I notice even you must have a submission release!!!

Forgot to answer your question - Nick, being retired, I always watch where my money goes, the recession hasn’t bothered me much.

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