External Bluetooth Keyboard for Tablets and Smartphones
Note: Post updated January 2018. A huge portion of the population now own and regularly use either a Smartphone or Tablet for their day to day activities. The electronic keyboard supplied with those devices can take up valuable screen real estate making it difficult to type for long periods of time.
Introducing the HooToo Bluetooth 3.0 Keyboard
For my general day to day activity, I use the SwiftKey app for Android when typing. It is super fast, intuitive and easy to use. Plus it has a lot of customisation for you to play with!
However, there are times when I am working that I prefer to use an actual keyboard. So, when I was sent the Hoo Too Bluetooth keyboard above, I was keen to check it out.
It is a solid unit and the battery seems to last forever. Even now, after a lot of use, it still works perfectly so I am more than happy to recommend it to you. It works with my:
Check out the full review of the Bluetooth keyboard from HooToo with a very cool, illuminated back-light:
(Can't wait or be bothered? Buy it (or similar) from Amazon UK or Amazon USA now!)