Best Photography Websites

Photographers: Learn How to Build Your Own Successful Photography Websites!

Best Photography Websites

So, you have started your photography business without any photography websites. You have all the gear and a bunch of business cards. You also have a heap of enthusiasm so now all you need is clients. The obvious place to start is word of mouth right?

You've let all your friends, family and business contacts know what you are doing and look for work that way. You may also join a business network such as BNI or the local Chamber of Commerce to hunt for business that way.

Then you think about building a website. However, with all the different options open to you, you wonder where to start. So do you go for a simple, template driven and photography specific option such as Wix, Clikpic or Photobiz?

  • Do you set out to learn all about HTML/CSS and start to build your own coded photography website from scratch?
  • Do you look at WordPress and all the wonders that has to offer?

Whatever you decide to do, please don’t opt for any of the freebie sites such as or All these will do is frustrate over time you and give your business a cheap, tacky feel to it. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for those types of free website. However, that place should be nowhere near your professional photography business.

Years of experience

Over the years, I have built my own websites. I have spent 17 years learning the ins and outs of HTML/CSS coding and various web editors such as Dreamweaver. I have also used the template driven sites from people such as Big Black Bag and for the past 10+ years, I have been building sites using the platform.

After gaining all this experience, and in my usual geeky way having analysed how each one compares to each other, I decided to start teaching what I have learned to other photographers. You see, it is not all about simply building a pretty website that looks good to anyone who happens to stumble upon it. It goes way deeper than that. You need to:

  • Build photography websites that gets found on the web
  • Promote a site that attracts traffic
  • Create a site that complies with the search engines and their ever-changing rules and algorithms
  • Start a site that is "sticky". I.e. people want to stick around to see more
  • Enjoy having a site that is "viral". I.e. that people tell their friends about
  • Build a site that shows you off in your best light. Show only your best work
  • Build a site that WORKS!

There are so many different variables and things you need to know to ensure your website gets the best possible start. It is impossible for me to describe it all to you here.

Teaching People to Build Photography Websites

I have taught a couple of photographers this year over a one or two day period. I have taught them how to get started and how to build and maintain their own websites. Every time, I see them have many "aha" moments as it sinks in what needs to be done. More importantly…why.

Not only that, when people realise the potential that a good website has, they become addicted to doing everything I recommend. It becomes fun tracking all the stats, visitors and results.

After all, your website isn’t just a website, it is a calling card. It is the first port of call for many potential future clients. It's your shop window to the world! Picture this, you are walking down the high street and you pass a clothes shop that has out of date fashion, a terrible display and a "not very welcoming" feel to it. Would you go in?

The store next door has a bright, wonderful display of all the latest and greatest fashions. All at reasonable prices and the whole look and feel is very welcoming and friendly. Would you go in that one?

That is exactly how people see photography websites

Does your homepage take an age to load and has it got no "hook"? No decent photos or reason for visitors to delve further? You will lose that potential customer within 5 seconds. If your site is professional, inviting and interesting as well as being somewhat interactive for the viewer, you stand a much better chance of the site working for you.

Where to Learn

I run one to one courses in the UK on a one or two day basis. I can teach you everything you need to know about building an awesome looking photography website. One that gets found and that will get you more business via the internet over time.

As part of the course and prior to you coming, I will find out as much as I can about you, your business. I will learn what you want from a site so that when you get here, I will have already researched a number of options available to you. This will ensure that we make the most out of our time together.

You should leave with a new domain name (optional), hosting and great looking website base on which you can build your empire. I will also prepare and give you follow up material in the form of PDF files and/or video clips. All showing screen recordings of what you need to do to maintain your site and make it work to your best advantage going forward.

Remember, I have spent more than a decade learning all this. I can guarantee it will save you a lot of time and money by spending one or two days with me as we get your site off the ground and running.


I am also thinking of creating a specific product relating to this topic. It's for those people who are not able to make it to a course for whatever reason (distance, cost etc). This will be either in the form of an eBook or video. I would appreciate any comments below as to whether this is something you would be interested in?

Please either get in touch below to book a one or two day course or let me know of any interest in a possible future product covering all of the above.

Many thanks! Nick Stubbs - ATP

Photography Websites Testimonial Rob Lipscombe


Hi Nick, just wanted to say for anyone considering doing this, the time I spent with you down at Weymouth has been absolutely invaluable. That alone has saved me loads of time working things out for myself and it won’t be long before everyone can see my new website.

Rob Lipscombe - photographer

Photography Websites Testimonial Penny Slacke


I can highly and wholeheartedly recommend Nick Stubbs at All Things Photography (ATP).  

Nick Stubbs is an outstanding Trainer in all the skills and techniques required to become an engaging and successful Wedding Photographer.  He is also an outstanding web designer with in-depth knowledge to ensure that your new website is top-rated by Google Analytics.

I first approached Nick for training in Wedding Photography and in setting up an online business in March this year and recently did an intensive day of 1-2-1 training with him.

Nick provides an outstanding, absolutely first class training service to gain the knowledge, practical skills and the techniques required to become an engaging and successful Wedding Photographer. The range and the quality of his training is simply outstanding and as a very experienced Photographer and Trainer he is patient and ready to answer all your questions, no matter how basic.

More than that, Nick goes above and beyond to provide you with very detailed course notes and a pack of 8 superb DVDs to take home after the training. The level of detail and practical guidance in these is just superb. To be honest I was blown away by the quality and the detail of the content!  

Nick is also generous with his time to ensure that you have all the practical knowledge and understanding you need to gain the confidence to embark on this line of business. He is always ready to answer your follow-up questions and concerns.

Because of the quality of my first training day with Nick, I then booked a practical session with him to set up my own Wedding Photography website.  Outstanding result, naturally!

It went live yesterday and I have already had very positive comments on the look and content of my website.  When I’m ready for further training, Nick Stubbs is the man I’ll book.  

Penny Slacke photographer

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