Shoot Videos? Got Noise? You Need Neat Video!
First there was Neat Image for stills photographers, now there's Neat Video for video and film-makers.
Are you familiar with Neat Image? If so, you will know how effective it is at removing digital noise or grain from photos. Particularly useful for wedding and stock photographers.
Now, the same people that brought you Neat Image have produced Neat Video. Yes, it does exactly what it says, cleans noise from video footage.
I use this myself and am very impressed with how easily, quickly and effectively the noise is removed. Why would you need to use this software?
Digital Grain or Noise and Cameras
At the time of writing, there aren't too many video cameras out there that have great low light capabilities. Perhaps larger sensor cameras such as the Canon EOS 5D Mark II fair pretty well. Then there is the Canon EOS 5D Mark III soon to be released...maybe that will do better.
Full frame cameras have larger light capturing diodes on the sensors meaning more light is gathered giving cleaner footage. Further more, cameras with smaller sensors such as the M43 (micro four thirds) camera gather less and struggle in low light situations.
Shooting in low light? If so, it is nice to know that any grain or noise introduced can be dealt with easily. Our Neat Video review shows you how to remove noise or grain without detriment to the image quality. This is especially relevant if producing video for corporate clients.
For a full run down and review, follow the link here: