July 5, 2005

Marketing, Articles and a Portfolio

Would you like more "exposure" of your hard work?

Marketing for Photographers

All Things Photography will soon be adding a Worldwide Marketing Directory of Photographers to our site. We need your help!

In order to fill the directory we will offer inclusion for the first year or more for free. I know only too well that the "good times" take a tumble now and again.

We feel that this particular marketing directory will be different to others. You will have a fully geographical, web optimized page with links to your site. A page that is recommended by other professional photographers.

The eventual cost of inclusion will be low. Just one job that you receive as a result of your listing will more than cover the cost for the year.

This request will go out once a month for as long as it takes to build a "healthy" worldwide marketing directory. We will keep the number of photographers for any area to a minimum so that we do not "saturate" that particular location.

For more information, to get on our waiting list with possible inclusion, please get in touch.

Nick Stubbs Portfolio

I have recently completed my Portfolio page for anyone who is interested to look at. Yes, I am marketing myself now. If you like any of the shots or would like more information on how and why they were taken, just click on the image for a more detailed description and one or two handy hints.

Go to Nick Stubbs Portfolio

Photography Articles

Another great marketing tool for photographers is to write for websites like ATP. I would like the help from any experienced amateur or advanced amateur photographers out there. Can or do you write photography articles?

If you have any helpful hints or tips to do with photography (digital or film), or maybe some experience you had that will motivate others and/or teach them something new, please check out: Articles at All Things Photography


Nick Stubbs
All Things Photography

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Marketing, Portfolio

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