Examples of Child Photography
Check out the images below with camera/lens/exif data
WARNING: Very Old Cameras Used on This Page!
Update July 2021: I have not bothered to update the images on this page for a reason. The image quality from the Canon 10D (2003) and 20D (2004) are still really impressive. The EOS 20D was a real step up!
These examples of child photography will hopefully help you get the best out of your camera and enhance your photography skills! Some have been enhanced or worked upon in Photoshop. Some form of editing is a must for serious photographers who work in digital these days.
The photographs may appear a little "sub-standard". This is necessary in order for the page to load quickly. The purpose is to show lighting, composition and techniques. Most of these images were taken with the Canon EOS 10D (Circa 2003), Canon's successor to the "now ancient" EOS D30 of the newer EOS 20D.
I could add images taken with more modern DSLR's. Cameras such as the Panasonic S1H or 30mp "semi" flagship from Canon, the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.
However, at web resolution, the difference is not really noticeable. I have left these online to show the exif data as that is something that will rarely change regardless of the camera being used.
The thing to remember is that it is not the camera that is mostly important here although its latest features may help your photography in some respects. It is the lenses that add quality to your shots. Lighting also plays a good part so learn how to control it and add your own lighting when necessary.
Click on any image for a larger/different version
Once you have checked all the images out along with what settings were used, go out yourself and test these settings. Add your own "mark" to your shots by manipulating the light to your advantage and particular style. New photographers may take some comfort in knowing these were taken way back in 2004 with old DSLR's and very dated software : )
When you browse images online to get inspiration for your next shoot, look at various things within that image to try and establish how it was taken. Look at the light and shadows. Were any additional lights used and if so, from what angle? Is the background blurred and if so, was this from a wide aperture or from using a long telephoto lens or even a slow shutter speed whilst panning on the subject?

For this shot of Max, I got in really close. I used a 50mm standard lens with the aperture set at f1.4 in order to throw the background out of focus and create a shallow depth of field. By doing this, you lead the viewers' eye to where you want, to that of Max's eyes!
It also enabled me to make use of just the available light, no flash or studio lights for these! 2 were then converted to black and white to further enhance the effect. Photoshop was also used to get rid of any small spots or blemishes.
I normally check to make sure this is ok, but I never "Photoshop out" any permanent marks or scars. Unless specifically asked to do so, this could be very damaging and hurtful. Don’t even ask as you may offend.

I have known Miya since she was a baby, and on this day, she was running around like crazy. At one point she stopped for a breather and laid down by the softbox...perfect. To get her attention, I shouted her name (in a nice way) and she immediately looked straight into the lens. I further enhanced in Photoshop.
Emily (15 at time of shooting in 2004)

Emily (Again)

To finish off, I will show you one of my all time favourite portraits that was originally a mistake. Click image to the left (above if using a Smartphone) for a larger copy.
It was taken with an old DSLR and my old set of lights from 2004 (still use them) except the lights didn't fire. The image came out underexposed with nasty colours.
However, I converted to black and white and whizzed it through Photoshop.
Emily's parents liked it so much they bought a huge canvas print of it for around €900.
So hopefully you have some food for thought and inspiration from these. It just goes to show that you don't need to spend a fortune on new gear to get results.
Just make sure you get at least one really good lens with a wide aperture. That will last you a lifetime just as mine are doing. Some are now over 15 years old and still going strong!