DSLR vs Point and Shoot
Pro vs Point and Shoot Cameras: Which is Best?

Recently I bought 2 cameras i.e. Canon EOS 7D and a Canon G12. I have been taking photos using both cameras and I am surprised that the G 12 appears to be taking better photos than the much more expensive 7D. The clarity is outstanding and I am unable to determine the reason.
Do you have any thoughts on the matter?
This is a real coincidence. We have just been discussing this over at ATP Members. A member asked exactly the same question.
Basically, most cameras other than DSLR’s are set up to produce great looking images straight out of camera. This is because the manufacturers assume that the people buying these cameras (non DSLR) only want to shoot and print or upload to the web and do little or no processing in an editing program.
These cameras do all of the processing "in camera" such as:
Much like the labs used to do for us in the days of film.
A DSLR will produce more of a RAW file. Maybe a little "bland" to start with but once you learn how to set up and use the DSLR properly...and then process the images correctly, the image quality blows that of anything else away!
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