Different Lenses to Change Perspective
Digital SLR Photography Tips: Your Lenses
As your hobby grows, you will yourself adding different lenses to your lens collection. Once you have 5 or 6, take a selection with you wherever you go. Remember that you have them and know what they can do.
Test each lens that you buy methodically. Learn about its aperture settings, zoom focal lengths and limitations. Learn which lens is good for what, such as close ups (macro) or sports and wildlife.
Then when you come across a situation that demands a certain lens, you will know what to do. You will know which one to use. Of course, you may be fortunate enough to own a powerful, long range and expensive zoom like the:
You just "twist and go", you don’t need a vast set of different lenses!
When living in Spain, I was asked to climb a local, but large mountain called "La Concha", overlooking Marbella on the Costa del Sol. It has been rarely climbed by any photographer and I was asked for some shots by some of the local businesses. Of course, my camera rucksack contains 2 bodies, 8 different lenses (one of which is VERY heavy). A Speedlite, filters, spare batteries and accessories. All in all it weighs about 10KG!
Needless to say, it was a tough climb but worth it!
It is all too easy to become lazy and not get the shot because "it will take too long to change lenses". Take your time and if you can. Try and pre-empt what lens you will need and change the lens before you arrive or need to start shooting.
Again, when you go out, if you have a specific "theme" in mind, you will know which lenses to take. You will know which one you will need the most.
As a beginner, or newbie, I would suggest that your first lens should be a "walk-around" lens. Basically one that has a reasonable zoom, good quality and that covers focal lengths needed by everyday situations.
One such lens that I always used to carry was the (now aging) Canon EF 28-135 IS USM. I now use the Canon EF24-70L f2.8 and Panasonic S 24-105mm f4. The focal length is perfect and is a trusty, sturdy lens that produces nice sharp images.
One last, important note I think I have mentioned somewhere before, is take care when changing lenses. Keep out of windy and/or dusty environments and try to change the lens inside a bag. Dust on your mirror isn’t so bad, but when it hits your sensor it can be a pain to remove it.