February 12, 2013

Online Photography Courses

Online Photography and Photoshop Courses

Over the past few years, I have spent thousands of pounds teaching myself a whole variety of new skills that have propelled my business forward in leaps and bounds. Lately, the majority of those courses have been online.

Online Photography Courses

I still love the tangible "evidence" of receiving a DVD through the post. However,  the ease and convenience of being able to watch online photography courses anywhere is cool. Learning Photoshop and other skills on my iPhone or iPad, on the go, is incredibly satisfying.

The beauty of watching courses online is that you are never far from the course as a reference point. Maybe you are somewhere that has no access to a DVD player and need to brush up on your skills. Or you are on location and staying overnight in preparation for a wedding the next day. You want to recap everything you have learned from a DVD?

Take our own Wedding Photography Blueprint course. We made the course available online in HD as well as having a hard copy, boxed set of DVD's. This gives you the best of both worlds.

With this rise in popularity of learning photography online, I decided to source other excellent courses for readers of ATP. I will be reviewing and adding more as time goes on. Personally, I have taken a couple of the courses I will be mentioning, not for review purposes but on a personal learning curve.

I'm learning everything from After Effects to guitar and piano, nutrition and cancer prevention.

But I can get this info for free online

Maybe, but more often than not, the paid courses include way more information than free stuff you find online. Plus, paying for tuition ignites a desire to put that learning into action, to make it viable and to justify the cost.

"Speculate to Accumulate". You will never hold as much value to something you have received for free (either legitimately or by cunning) as you would by paying for it. That is where a professional differs from an amateur!

Check out the our new online Photography courses page below and remember to bookmark it. We will be adding reviews and new courses all the time.

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Photography Courses

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