Maximizing the Use of Digital Portfolio Photobooks

The Benefits of Using Photobooks for Your Photography Portfolio

Maximizing the Use of Digital Portfolio Photo Books

The creative applications of digital portfolio photobooks are diverse. People often get inspired to create a digital photo book when they have a special event in life. They make wonderful gifts and personal keepsakes that are really appreciated. Their use as a professional medium as a portfolio should also not be overlooked.

How to Get Started on Your Digital Portfolio Photobooks

Online photo book companies provide software that can take you from start to finish in a process that can take as little as a few minutes. They usually provide a template for many varieties of occasions. The user simply plugs photo files and text if desired into the templates. There are also a wide variety of colours and borders to choose from.

Before you set out to start creating your book, take the time to select and organize your photos. At this stage, you can work on editing as well. When you have this in place to start off with, the uploading process becomes streamlined. A free online editing tool may be found at Pixlr editor.

It may be helpful for you to gather inspiration online. Several websites such as Digital Print Australia highlight samples of photo books (samples are displayed at the bottom). This can give you ideas on structure, colour, proportions, and layout.

General Tips to Help You Create a Great Photo Book

  • Don’t overcrowd with many photos. Select the best and let them stand alone in the spots where they can be highlighted
  • Make sure the quality of your photos is without major flaws, especially if they will be resized
  • Run a spell check. After the time and money you’ll spend, misspelled works would be a disappointing sore thumb
  • Diversify your elements. You can use a scanner to make files out of anything, including a baby’s hospital band, a diploma, a ticket, a brochure, or even a leaf or pressed flower. Get creative!
  • Try not to go crazy with the fonts. Sticking to one font throughout the book created an element that is uniform and visually sound

How to Plan Your Layout

As alluded to before, a digital photo book can range from very simple to complex. Your choice in layouts is a major influencing factor in this. If you have a distinct theme, you’ll be likely to find a satisfying choice in template. If, however, you have working with multiple themes, you may have a bigger challenge. The number of pictures you decide to work with also determines the level of complexity in your project.

Choosing background colours that match nicely with your photos is a good idea. Some people like to use text boxes to write little descriptions in. Keeping them brief and to the point is preferred. Vary the numbers, sizes, and shapes of photos from time to time to sustain visual interest.

Questions to Ask When Searching for an Online Photo Book Company

  • Do their prices fit into my budget?
  • What is their turn-around time? Do they guarantee delivery time according to your need?
  • Can I customize my own layout?
  • Do their options allow the level of creative input that I desire?
  • Is the quality of the paper they print on high?
  • Do I want hard or soft cover and do they have options for both?
  • Do they offer design tools for the amateur or professional level I am at?

Utilizing Your Digital Photo Portfolio to Its Greatest Potential

It’s a good idea to actually have a physical photo collection in addition to your electronic one. Instead of sliding over small screens to reveal pictures to others, or expecting people to go to a website and click, you bring that experience to them instantly by placing a book in their hand. You can invite them to carefully browse through and they can really take the time to see what strikes their eye.

If you are a photographer that wishes to create a digital photo portfolio to show off your work, here is a video on YouTube with some helpful hints:

Digital photo portfolios do not necessarily suggest that the photography itself is being highlighted. They can show action photos of you at work which display your accomplishments in a number of diverse ways. Let your imagination flow in this medium and have fun creating!

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