October 5, 2007

Kubota Workshops and Destination Weddings

Kevin Kubota Photoshop Actions and Workshops

Do your images need a little sprucing up? Do they lack that extra punch? How can you make them "Pop" like you see in so many professional photographers galleries? Hello Kubota Workshops.

It's no big secret. Most pros use them and I have been using these tools myself for years now. Photoshop Action Sets from Kevin Kubota are one of the single most useful plug-ins that I have used. They have been in my Photoshop toolbox for all the time I have been "digital".

They're easy to install, simple to use and the effects bring your images to life like nothing else I've seen. Other photographers notice it and more importantly, my clients and potential clients notice it!

For more information and a sample video of these actions in use, please go to

Kevin Kubota Photoshop Action Sets and Image Tools

Destination Wedding Photography

Destination weddings can be fun and lucrative. However, there are many factors to take into account before you start accepting bookings from all over the world.

We have covered a lot of points in the destination wedding photography article below. But you have to think about your own safety as well as the safety of your own gears. Think about the culture, rules and regulations of the country you are visiting and always respect them.

Read my findings from recent weddings that I have shot and decide whether it is for you. I know it is for me so maybe our "flight" paths will cross one day!

Destination Wedding Photography

Big Shout out to Laura from California!

I just had to make a quick blog entry today to give a massive thanks and shout out to Laura from California. Earlier today I received two beautiful gifts for my children from Laura. They arrived all the way from the other side of "the pond"!

All Things Photography Testimonial

This is on top of a donation Laura had already made to ATP as a thank you for the help that the website has given her. Laura works full time for an optics research company in California. She is pursuing her passion for photography in her spare time. Laura currently uses a Nikon D80 but I believe she may have switched to Canon with the 20D recently.

All Things Photography Testimonial

Thank you very much for making that effort Laura, you have made two small children very happy today. It is nice to know there are some incredibly kind and generous people around the world!

All Things Photography Testimonial

I wish you all the success with your photography and hope that you keep in touch!

Nick, Sonia, Dillon and Amber

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