Course Overview
The aim of this course is to get you fired up, excited and ready to explore all that your new (or dust gathering) camera has to offer. I distinctly remember the excitement of grabbing my camera (Chinon CM4-s) and heading out with zero agenda other than simply snapping away. Remember, this was in the days of film photography so every shot cost money. If anything, that taught me to find great locations, stop, think about the shot and to make it count.
Of course, at 13 years old, I still just fired away and if I got one "keeper" out of 24/36 images, I was happy.
The thrill of waiting 1-2 weeks before your photos were returned, in print form (shock horror), and then the disappointment of seeing way more failures than successes. Still, 40+ years on and I am still at it...professionally.
FREE 30 Minute Lesson on Camera Modes
In this free lesson, I run through what all those dial settings mean on your DSLR or mirrorless camera. Knowing these inside out and practising with each of them will get you to a point where you feel "at one" with your camera. This makes photography way more enjoyable and I guarantee your results will shine through!
Your Takeaway
I want you to absorb everything in this course, get out and practice and then have a think. With your newly acquired skills, you may want to print your images to sell, sell some as stock for recurring revenue, get into travel photography or maybe even start a new career! Whatever you decide, I can guarantee your photography life will change as you see the world in a totally new and exciting way.
Look Out for the Nuggets!
I get ideas...all the time. Especially as tech progresses, new software is released and new products are created. The world is changing fast and to keep up with it, you need to be alert, innovative, on the ball and ready for action.
Whilst I am making these videos, I may get an idea of how you can capitalise on a certain technique, style, new software or a new product. If I do, I will share it with you. It is then up to you what you do with it! Keep 'em peeled!
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