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  • Photography Masterclass for Beginners

Photography Masterclass for Beginners




Photography Foundation

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About Photography Masterclass for Beginners

Everything you need to take your photography to the next level! Learn how different camera settings, techniques, filters, lenses, composition and lighting can all make a huge difference to not just the photos you take, but your enjoyment of photography!




Course Overview

The aim of this course is to get you fired up, excited and ready to explore all that your new (or dust gathering) camera has to offer. I distinctly remember the excitement of grabbing my camera (Chinon CM4-s) and heading out with zero agenda other than simply snapping away. Remember, this was in the days of film photography so every shot cost money. If anything, that taught me to find great locations, stop, think about the shot and to make it count.

Of course, at 13 years old, I still just fired away and if I got one "keeper" out of 24/36 images, I was happy.

The thrill of waiting 1-2 weeks before your photos were returned, in print form (shock horror), and then the disappointment of seeing way more failures than successes. Still, 40+ years on and I am still at it...professionally.

FREE 30 Minute Lesson on Camera Modes

In this free lesson, I run through what all those dial settings mean on your DSLR or mirrorless camera. Knowing these inside out and practising with each of them will get you to a point where you feel "at one" with your camera. This makes photography way more enjoyable and I guarantee your results will shine through!

Your Takeaway

I want you to absorb everything in this course, get out and practice and then have a think. With your newly acquired skills, you may want to print your images to sell, sell some as stock for recurring revenue, get into travel photography or maybe even start a new career! Whatever you decide, I can guarantee your photography life will change as you see the world in a totally new and exciting way.

Look Out for the Nuggets!

I get ideas...all the time. Especially as tech progresses, new software is released and new products are created. The world is changing fast and to keep up with it, you need to be alert, innovative, on the ball and ready for action.

Whilst I am making these videos, I may get an idea of how you can capitalise on a certain technique, style, new software or a new product. If I do, I will share it with you. It is then up to you what you do with it! Keep 'em peeled!

2024 Special 50% Discount

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Once payment is made, please check your emails for registration and access details. Start learning today!

  • Instant/Lifetime Access
  • Full Photography Course
  • 2 Bonus Lessons
  • Free Stock Video Course
  • Makes a Great Gift
  • 50% Discount for 2024

Learn About Cameras

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Discover what DSLR cameras are and which would suit you best if at all.

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CONTENT LOCKED Mirrorless Cameras

What are mirrorless cameras and why should you consider one over a DSLR?

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A bridge camera is an "in-between" point and shoots and the more pro cameras. Would one of these suffice for now?

Learn About Lenses

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Here we discuss why a fixed focal length lens of say 50mm or 100mm may be a great start

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Zoom lenses can be incredibly useful but with so much choice, how do you decide which to buy?

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CONTENT LOCKED Specialist Lenses

Apart from the usual lenses on the market, there are some that can be massively useful or ultra creative


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Learn how to use flashguns (speedlights) and decide whether you need one. Spoiler: You probably will.

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CONTENT LOCKED Other Basic Lighting

Here we touch on some basic lighting equipment that takes over where flash can't go

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CONTENT LOCKED Specialist Lighting

Check out some of these more specialist lights. This is where you can get creative with your photography


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CONTENT LOCKED UV and Skylight Filters

What are UV filters, what do they do and do you need one?

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CONTENT LOCKED Polariser Filters

The polariser filter could become one of your favourite filters. Especially if you enjoy landscape or property photography

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CONTENT LOCKED Grey Grad Filters

Graduated filters are particularly useful for landscape photographers but what do they do?

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CONTENT LOCKED Specialist Filters

These cheap little rings for your lens will save you a ton of money. Here's how...

Memory Cards and Devices

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Depending on the camera you buy, there are multiple options of memory card to choose from. Let's help you through this minefield

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CONTENT LOCKED External Hard Drives

You have to offload your photos somewhere but DON'T keep them on your computer's main hard drive. Do this instead...


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Professional tripods, mini tripods, Gorillapods, mini tripods, monopods, car mounts. So many to choose from but which do I recommend and why?

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CONTENT LOCKED Cables and Card Readers

My wife calls me the cable guy because you can guarantee I have a cable for all occasions but which do you need when starting out?

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What does a lens hood do and how have they saved my photography and saved me money and headaches?

Camera Settings

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CONTENT LOCKED Av, Tv, M, P, B and Auto

Which exposure setting do you choose and when? Aperture priority, shutter priority, manual, program or auto?

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What is ISO, what does it do and how do you choose the right ISO for best results?

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Most cameras have a selection of photo styles such as "natural", "landscape", "portrait" etc. Are they useful and which should you even use them?

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The sensor on your camera has a number of way to meter a scene. Let's run through them and illustrate what each one does

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Here you will earn the differences between RAW and JPEG photos and why RAW can excel your photography

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Aspect ratios are essentially the shape of your images from camera but when to use which?

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CONTENT LOCKED Focus Modes and Areas

Most modern cameras have a wide range of focus modes. Knowing which to use and when will undoubtedly improve your work

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White balance is one of those settings that most people leave on "auto". That's fine for most photography IF SHOOTING RAW but if you mess up in JPEG...oof. Learn why.


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In this video, I explain the exposure settings in your camera in a way that is easy to understand and will make the penny drop : )

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CONTENT LOCKED Exposure Compensation

Many people abuse this feature thinking that your camera will "magic" some light from nowhere. This is what really happens and how you can use it

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Exposure lock is one of the most useful tools on my camera. I use it a lot when lighting conditions are extreme in the frame

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It took me a while and a few advances in this tech for me to truly appreciate it. Here's why you might want a camera that has HDR

Basic Lighting

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CONTENT LOCKED Types of Lighting

There are only really two types of lighting. Natural and man made. However, within those, there is a multitude of options available

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CONTENT LOCKED Natural Lighting

Arguably the most pleasing of all light...as long as you get the right time of day, night, year etc.

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CONTENT LOCKED Flash and Speedlights

Many photographers say they never use flash. Most are lying which I have witnessed for myself. Learn why having a flash in your bag is so important

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CONTENT LOCKED Studio Lighting

Bigger, more expensive and sometimes harder to use so why bother? Here we cover the basics as an introduction

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There are times when your creative juices are flowing. Knowing about alternative lighting could really help make your images (and video) pop


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Look up, look down, look all around. How you compose your images and whether you decide to break the rules will determine your "style"

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CONTENT LOCKED Rule of Thirds and Space

Not so much a "rule" these days, more to do with guidance. However, knowing the rule of thirds is a great place to start

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CONTENT LOCKED Foreground Interest

Ever looked at a landscape photo and though..."meh". Some shots can appear empty as everything is in the distance. Learn to add some foreground interest

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CONTENT LOCKED Depth of Field (bo-keh)

A strange term that perhaps read "depth of focus" as it can be misleading. Discover why it is such a great thing to learn

Adobe Software

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CONTENT LOCKED Adobe Lightroom

A brief introduction to Adobe Lightroom

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CONTENT LOCKED Adobe Photoshop

A brief introduction to Adobe Photoshop

Other Useful Software

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Formatted a memory card by mistake? Don't panic, learn how to recover deleted photos from your memory card

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CONTENT LOCKED ACDSee Image Management

A useful and relatively cheap software title to assist with viewing, editing, managing and organising your photos

Offloading and Organising Your Images

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How to safely offload your photos to a computer or laptop

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As your photo library grows, you will want to be able to easily and quickly access files that you need

Basic Photo Editing

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Batch processing and more creative editing with Adobe Lightroom

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Some essential editing processes for your photos in Adobe Photoshop

2 Lessons

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CONTENT LOCKED Advanced Photography

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CONTENT LOCKED Photography Website

About the Teacher

Nick Stubbs

Nick is a professional photographer who got his first SLR camera in 1980 aged just 13 whilst studying photography at school. He then built his own darkroom in the family loft aged 14 and the rest is history. Feel the excitement Nick felt all those years ago as you learn how to make the most of your Digital SLR, mirrorless or bridge camera.
