David Bailey Tells It How It Is!

There are lots of reasons why people get into photography and pursue it as a career. For me, a large part of my motivation came from a few high profile photographers. Photographers in the late 70's and early '80's...some famous, some not.
My main motivation and inspiration came from a local professional photographer in Dover. A guy called Eddie Clapson who sadly died last year. I did a one year apprenticeship with him as a 17-18 year old which totally fuelled my passion and knowledge in this industry.
At the same time, more inspiration came from the photography greats such as Patrick Lichfield and David Bailey. They were always in the public eye with the latter becoming well know for the phrase "David Bailey, Who's He?" in a TV ad campaign. The ad was for the Olympus Trip 35mm camera which I remember well.
Back in those days, some photographers were like rock stars but today, in the age of the internet, things are different. Now there is talent everywhere and it is so easy to get your work seen.
The opportunities for young and aspiring photographers or cinematographers is mind-blowing!
The Guardian interviewed David during one of his exhibitions in 2010, check it out: Interview with photographer David Bailey