Lord Patrick Lichfield dies and the photography world mourns
Image Source: Daily Telegraph
Lord Lichfield Dies: As a budding and keen 13 year old photographer in the 1980's, I had no internet, no Sky TV, no emails. In fact not much contact with the big wide world at all in comparison to today. Just photography magazines.
It was inevitable then, that the most talked about photographers were simply the most famous. This was a time when people had very little "exposure" to their work other than locally.
Patrick Lichfield was one of those people that I aspired to. For one, he was a Lord! As a 13 year old boy I found it amazing that someone of such standing could have such an interest in and make a career out of photography.
It was then, with great sadness that I heard of his death today at just 66. It is the same kind of sadness that I felt when the great Freddie Mercury died in 1991 at just 45. Another one of my childhood heroes.
That's the beauty of photography. We can live on in the images that we produce and leave behind so grab your camera and out you go.
Charles and Diana
I guess all photographers would love to leave behind the kind of legacy that he does. Having been a Royal photographer on many occasions, including the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana in the 80's, he has been in the public eye for many years.
It is nice to know that with the internet, we can leave just that little bit more behind when we leave. Especially with photography.
You can see more of this news at the BBC here;
...and some portrait tips from the great man himself here;